Lead, Account and Contact entities have a field in the Administration tab of their entity forms which says : "Last Included in a campaign", this read-only Datetime field autopopulates itself with the date when the lead/account/contact was last a part of any campaign.
Hi, Have you been creating custom pages in line with MS CRM for creating , viewing and updating entity records ? Have you placed controls such as Date picker Lookup on your custom page and have tried in vein to make those look like MS CRM ? I found a way to use the same MS CRM calendar control as it appears in the application... For getting this calendar on your asp .net page, follow the steps below: 1) Create a copy of the date.js javascript file located in your-server/crmsite-folder/_static/_controls/datetime folder, give the copy some name like date_myapp.js. 2) Open the following .js files from different sub folders in side the your-server/crmsite-folder/_static folder : Global.js encodedecode.js xmlutil.js util.js remotecommand.js Copy and whole content of each file one by one and keep pasting the same to the end of your date_myapp.js file. 3) Now open any CRM entity record page, for example a new Account crea