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Showing posts from September, 2009

Resolve case programmatically

You have to create incidentresolution entity object and also then execute a CloseIncidentRequest, sample code looks like this: incidentresolution objJobResolution = new incidentresolution(); objJobResolution.incidentid = new Lookup(); objJobResolution.incidentid.type = "incident"; objJobResolution.incidentid.Value = ; // Job id objJobResolution.subject = "subject"; try { objCrmService.Create(objJobResolution); CloseIncidentRequest closeJob = new CloseIncidentRequest(); closeJob.IncidentResolution = objJobResolution; closeJob.Status = 5; CloseIncidentResponse resp = (CloseIncidentResponse)objCrmService.Execute(closeJob); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException soapEx) { continue; }